Friday, November 23, 2007

#18 Wrap up on Library 2.0

Last exercise in a 9 week journey through a multitude of technological applications. It has been a real life-long-learning experience and it's done lots of things for me, including impressing my 13 year old son with my blog and my knowledge of Flickr, YouTube and Podcasts. It is interesting to know what's out there and to know what library patrons are looking at on the Web. It's also good to have a background knowledge of the applications we have covered. Loved looking at Flickr - it's a great way to share photos, instead of e-mailing them as an attachment to friends and family. YouTube is a fantastic resource for video clips and it's interesting that the site is being used by political parties to get their message across in the 2007 Federal Election. I think Podcasts are useful, especially if you've missed something on the radio or a talk at the Library. I subscribed to 'Book Lounge' to listen to book reviews. RSS feeds are a good idea to keep up to date with subjects of interest. Wikis have their place at the Library also. Some of the Websites that featured in the Web 2.0 Awards were very innovative. Overall, the Library 2.0 experience was a positive one.

Negative aspects were the amount of time spent on the exercises. It was mooted that we would spend about an hour a week on each exercise, but I found that after reading the material suggested and then blogging on my learning experiences, there was a fair bit more time involved. Not sure how the part-timers coped - with desk shifts, deferred enquiries and other projects, there's not a lot of time left for them. Maybe they should have done a scaled-down version.

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Congratulations on completing the Learning 2.0 program. Thansk you for the very useful comments about the technologies and the time you have put into the program
