Tuesday, November 6, 2007

#11 Flickr Mashups

The range of Flickr mashups is mind-boggling and seem to be limited only by the imagination. There are so many things you can do on the computer, if you are so inclined and do them so professionally. It's a wonder that publishers still exist!

The mashup I like the best is the 'Trip Planner' by Yahoo! Travel, which lets you build a travel itinerary with all the attractions marked on a map of the intended destination and then when you return, you can place your photos onto this planner. This would have been good for my last trip, although, not sure if I would be able to find the time to upload my photos onto the planner to complete the job. Good idea, though! You can also read stories and see photos of other people's trips, which might inspire you to go to places that weren't on your original itinerary.

Sorry, can't tackle the optional extras, due to work commitments.

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