Monday, November 5, 2007

#10 Discover Flickr

Hi, back again in the world of Flickr. This is an image from Flickr that reminded me of my recent trip to Europe. We were in Paris in September, just in time for the rugby match France v Scotland. It was a bizarre scene in Paris as 30,000 Scotsmen, all kilted up, drank and sang their anthem, 'Doh a Deer' over and over again, in various states of drunkenness. There was a whole street cordoned off with the guys (and some women) behind the bollards singing their hearts out outside the pub. Not quite what I expected! Even funnier was the train trip back to England with some of the Scotsmen rather the worse for wear and wearing different footwear on both feet, still kilted up, making the uneven footwear easy to spot. They were everywhere throughout Paris and the Parisians were quite bemused. I think they were generally very tolerant of such behaviour as the Scots were contributing quite a lot of revenue to their coffers.

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