Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thoughts on blogging

I found it quite challenging to set up the blog, as I had made an incorrect assumption on the blog address - silly me! I think blogs could be useful for specific purposes or if one was house-bound. It's probably good to know how these things work, but for my purposes, not so sure. I've had a look at some other blogs and found one blog with some semi-naked photos, one blog with family photos and one with the paranoid musings of an angst-ridden 16 year old (not from anyAID bloggers, I might add). A bit off-putting! I find this public sharing of one's thoughts with strangers somewhat distasteful. Could be an age thing.
Above, experimenting with importing an image from 'Google Images' of one of my favourite things in life - a good cup of coffee! I placed the above image on my desktop and then tried to save it into my Blog. But, I actually made it into a giant cup of coffee on my desktop, which might have put me off coffee instead - like aversion therapy. To rectify this situation I had to ask our youngest colleague for some advice. This was readily given and now I know the steps to take without creating gigantic cups of coffee (or anything for that matter).

1 comment:

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Well done...keep up the good work
